Mind Body Spirit

Live Well at Every Age!

I will customize a fitness program to help you see and feel the results you want in the comfort and privacy of your home. Please call me at 973.715.1255 or email me at mtolivieri@verizon.net to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.


The field of psychoneuroimmunology has witnessed an explosion of empirical findings during the last two decades. Research has documented the mechanisms through which stressful emotions alter white blood cell function. Stress diminishes white blood cell response to viral infected cells and to cancer cells. While stress decreases the activity of some white blood cells, stress does not compromise the function of all types of white blood cells. Indeed, some types of autoimmune disease, which involve subsets of white blood cells, are exacerbated by stress. Literature documents the efficacy of talk-therapy interventions in altering immune system parameters and enhancing the body’s ability to combat disease. Regular exercise reduces the amount of stress hormones in the body, resulting in a slower heart rate, relaxed blood vessels, and lower blood pressure. Increased relaxation after exercise shows on your face with reduced muscle tension.



Most know by now, at least I hope so, that exercise keeps muscles strong. But most do not make the connection that strong muscles burn more calories. Muscle mass is metabolically active tissue. In other words, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn even when you are not working out.


Regular, moderate exercise particularly weight-bearing exercises like walking, running, jogging, and dancing — keeps your bones strong. Research studies show that resistance (strength training) exercises can also boost bone mass and keep muscles strong.


Regular exercise reduces the amount of stress hormones in the body, resulting in a slower heart rate, relaxed blood vessels, and lower blood pressure. Increased relaxation after exercise shows on your face with reduced muscle tension.

Endorphins are the hormones in the brain associated with a happy, positive feeling. A low level of endorphins is associated with depression. During exercise, endorphin levels increase. A recent National Health and Nutrition survey found that physically active people were half as likely to be depressed. Exercise also boosts the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that send specific messages from one brain cell to another. Though only a small percentage of all serotonin is in the brain, this neurotransmitter is thought to play a key role in keeping your mood calm.


  • Lowers your risk of several chronic health conditions, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Reduces your level of stress.
  • Helps you to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Gain better balance and flexibility.
  • Improve bone strength.
  • Boost energy levels
  • And most important improves your self-esteem making you feel in charge of yourself.


Mind and Body Fitness.

Today, many people who want to get into shape do not realize there is more to fitness than well-toned muscles. There is no shortage of exercise regimes that just promote the perfection of the body, or the idea of fitness as a part of a weight loss plan. Whether you choose yoga or another form of movement for exercise, remember that our bodies are MADE TO MOVE to feel good.
So, when you incorporate regular activity in your life, you are moving closer to overall mind and body fitness. However, if you are overweight, this can be more difficult. You can improve your mind-body connection for better mind and body fitness – it is important to choose realistic fitness options and to choose what is right for your body. A well-designed program consisting of cardio, strength work and flexibility is and should be your foundation.


Olivieri Fit

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Maria Oliveri